Antioch Church exists to declare the TRUTH of Jesus Christ so that people will find HOPE and know LIFE CHANGE through a relationship with Him.
3 Keys To Our Mission
It’s safe to say the purpose of every church is nearly the same. The methods may be different but similar goals should be in sight. As we read Ephesians 4:12, especially in the Amplified Bible, we see the responsibility of church leadership is clear: Equipping every Christ-follower.
“His intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the saints (His consecrated people), [that they should do] the work of ministering toward building up Christ’s body (the church)” Ephesians 4:12 AMP
This passage also brings responsibility to each Christ-follower. That responsibility being the building up of the Church! We are all in this together. We all have a role to play in fulfilling the Great Commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28:19 “go and make disciples…”
With these scriptures in mind, there are 3 key areas in which our mission is focused.
- TRUTH because it is known that when truth is discovered, freedom is found.
- HOPE brings us out of where we’ve been and gives us something to look forward to.
- LIFE CHANGE because when we experience it, we want others to know life change.
Every church has a different role to play in the body. If we can be a success in fulfilling ours, we will help strengthen every other church out there!
In order to accomplish any mission you must have a solid strategy that is both practical and measurable. Here at Antioch Church we believe there are four essential actions we must all take to accomplish the overall mission.
1 – REACH lost and hurting people.
2 – CONNECT personally with Jesus & a local church through consistent engagement.
3 – GROW both spiritually and relationally alongside other believers.
4 – SERVE in an area of ministry where God has gifted you.
It is our belief that taking these 4 action steps will lead to a cyclical process that brings multiplication and life change!
You could ask yourself these 4 questions:
- Who am I reaching?
- Am I connected personally to Jesus and to a local church?
- How am I growing?
- Where am I serving?

Antioch Church - 5201 Antioch Rd - Overland Park, KS - 66202