YOUNG PERSON: YOU MATTER! You matter to God and you matter to me. But I want to take it a step further, you matter to the world around you, even if it doesn’t know it. If you feel like you don’t belong, or you’re out of place, or you have to change to fit in, I want to tell you that the world needs you. God has created you with the potential to give life and meaning to your world, rather than trying to find it for yourself. Here at the Awakening, our hope is for you to be able to discover who God is, who He created you to be, and how to walk out this crazy life. You have so much inside of you to offer, don’t let it go to waste!
Wednesday nights are incredible! This is the moment when we encounter the presence of God for ourselves through incredible worship. It is when we come together to celebrate what God is doing in our lives. These are the times when challenging words are brought to our student ministry, at large, to push us forward into being all that God has called us to be. You don’t want to miss Wednesday nights!

Wednesday nights are incredible! This is the moment when we encounter the presence of God for ourselves through incredible worship. It is when we come together to celebrate what God is doing in our lives. These are the times when challenging words are brought to our student ministry at large to push us forward into being all that God has called us to be. You don’t want to miss Wednesday nights!

Antioch Church - 5201 Antioch Rd - Overland Park, KS - 66202